Populate PostgreSQL with Mock Data

In the world of testing and debugging database query performance, having a rich dataset to work with is crucial. Working with production is - for good reasons - not always an option, so this is where mock data comes in. In this article, we will walk through the process of populating your PostgreSQL database with mock data efficiently.

There are two ways to generate mock data. One is using pgbench, and the other is using straight forward sql queries, like I'm doing here. The benefit of the latter is that it uses the sql syntax that you're already familiar with.

Let’s dive in!

Creating the table

We'll need a table to populate first. Something simple, but not too simple. Something that has date fields, a few columns that can be filtered upon, and a relational field. I've considered users, articles, and comments, but those are too straight forward. So, let's go with a notifications table instead.

I think the columns in the snippet below speak for themselves. The primary column (id) is an auto-incrementing integer, created_at defaults to the creation date, and deleted_at is null unless the record is deleted, also known as "soft delete".

create table notifications (
  id         serial primary key,
  user_id    varchar(21)  not null,
  created_at timestamp    not null default current_timestamp,
  deleted_at timestamp,
  topic      varchar(100) not null,
  category   varchar(50)  not null,
  title      varchar(100) not null,
  body       text         not null,
  action_url text

Inserting data

In the most basic form, we can use a single insert statement to create our first record in the table. As created_at has a default value, and deleted_at is nullable, we can skip those fields.

insert into notifications (user_id, topic, category, title, body, action_url)
values ('user_1', 'ticket.1', 'support', 'new comment', 'someone posted a comment', 'https://example.com');

That works, but it'll only give us one single record. By wrapping that statement in an SQL loop, we can generate an arbitrary number of rows. I'll go with 100k records, which takes about 400ms on my m1, but feel free change it to your needs. A million records takes about 4 seconds, and 10k is pretty much instantaneous. For the sake of following this article, there's no value in using insanely high numbers.

do $$
    for i in 1..100000 loop
      insert into notifications (user_id, topic, category, title, body, action_url)
      values ('user_1', 'ticket.1', 'support', 'new comment', 'someone posted a comment', 'https://example.com');
    end loop;

Done? Here's the first catch. What do you think the created_at distribution to be like?

select distinct(notifications.created_at), count(*) from notifications group by created_at;

The only thing that's unique on all those records, is the id. As the entire loop runs in the same transaction, all records share the same created_at timestamp. Inserting them with a explicit now() won't change a thing. The now() will be evaluated only once for that transaction.

So now that we have our looping stuff covered, let's work on some realistic data. Feel free to drop the data we've created so far.

delete from notifications;

Creating realistic mock data

Let's get some basics first. We'll use random to generate random numbers. Run the query below to generate a random number between 0 and 10, and prepend it with prefix_. The ::int cast drops the decimals by casting the double to an integer, and the || is the postgres operator to join two strings together.

select 'prefix_' || (random() * 10)::int);

If you'd generate a bunch of records using that, you'd see that the edges only receive half the counts. That's because postgres rounds numbers when it casts. So 0 to 0.49 results in 0, while 0.5 to 1.49, with a larger range, results in 1. To fix this, we'll use floor instead of casting.

select 'prefix_' || floor(random() * 10);

With that out of the way, let's generate some real data. We'll also generate values for the created_at and deleted_at columns, as we want to have different creation dates, and simulate deleted records.

do $$
    for i in 1..100000 loop
      insert into notifications (
        user_id, created_at, deleted_at, topic, category, title, body, action_url
          'user_' || floor(random() * 10),
          now() - (random() * (interval '365 days')),
          case when (random() < 0.1) then now() - (random() * (interval '365 days')) else null end,
          'topic_' || floor(random() * 3),
          'category_' || floor(random() * 5),
          'title_' || random(),
          'body_' || random(),
          'https://example.com/action_' || floor(random() * 10)
    end loop;

Let's go over it. We're generating 10 different user ids, ranging between user_0 and user_9. The created_at is a random date in the past year, and deleted_at is a random date in the past year but only for 10% of the records. We generate 3 different topic slugs, 5 different category slugs, 10 different action_urls, and title and body are as unique as the return value of random.

In table form, the results look as follows:

8624474user_72023-10-23 09:21:28.057830<null>topic_1category_3title_0.1352823523507105body_0.18890461627790245https://example.com/action_9
8624475user_82023-10-27 05:30:57.561024<null>topic_2category_2title_0.8801958309865334body_0.4694115793737623https://example.com/action_4
8624476user_62023-08-25 22:17:27.0447492023-10-03 07:24:25.328914topic_0category_0title_0.37070383714597455body_0.29896368763604997https://example.com/action_4

Except for the deleted_at column, for most cases, this is fine data to work with. The problem with the deleted_at is that it's a random date in the past year. So according to this data, it can be that a notification gets deleted before it was created. Let's confirm?

select count(*) from notifications where deleted_at <= created_at;

That query returned 4931 records in my sample set of 100k records. Not a big deal you'd say, but depending on your query and indexes, this might cause a different execution plan. In the real world, notifications always get deleted after they're created. Let's apply that to our mock data.

First, we'll declare two variables to use, created_at and deleted_at. Next, we'll compute the values for those variables inside the loop. Note that we've updated the created_at to be at least 3 days ago. The deleted_at field will be a random date between created_at and 3 days later, while assuming that 60% of the notifications gets deleted.

do $$
    created_at timestamp;
    deleted_at timestamp;
    for i in 1..100000 loop
      created_at := now() - (interval '3 days') - (random() * (interval '362 days'));
      deleted_at := case when (random() < 0.6) then created_at + (random() * (interval '3 days')) else null end;

      insert into notifications (
        user_id, created_at, deleted_at, topic, category, title, body, action_url
          'user_' || floor(random() * 10),
          now() - (random() * (interval '365 days')),
          case when (random() < 0.1) then now() - (random() * (interval '365 days')) else null end,
          'topic_' || floor(random() * 3),
          'category_' || floor(random() * 5),
          'title_' || random(),
          'body_' || random(),
          'https://example.com/action_' || floor(random() * 10)
    end loop;

Now let's run some count queries to confirm. First, the total number of deleted notifications, which returns 60,133 in my case.

select count(*) from notifications where deleted_at is not null;

And, confirm that no notification gets deleted before it was created. This query should now return zero records.

select count(*) from notifications where deleted_at <= created_at;

Done? Yeah, in most cases you would be. Let's explore further though.

Selecting mock data from arrays

Sometimes, we have conditional data. For example, a topic like ticket-14 is more likely to belong to category support than to billing, while topic invoice-2024001323 likely belongs to the latter. We can tackle that issue by selecting mock data from a json array.

do $$
    created_at timestamp;
    deleted_at timestamp;
    mocks      jsonb := '[
                 {"topic": "ticket.1", "category": "support"},
                 {"topic": "ticket.2", "category": "support"},
                 {"topic": "invoice.1", "category": "billing"}
    mock       jsonb;
    for i in 1..100000 loop
      created_at := now() - (interval '3 days') - (random() * (interval '362 days'));
      deleted_at := case when (random() < 0.6) then created_at + (random() * (interval '3 days')) else null end;
      mock := (select * from jsonb_array_elements(mocks) order by random() limit 1);

      insert into notifications (
        user_id, created_at, deleted_at, topic, category, title, body, action_url
          'user_' || floor(random() * 10),
          'topic_' || floor(random() * 3),
          mock ->> 'topic',
          'category_' || floor(random() * 5),
          mock ->> 'category',
          'title_' || random(),
          'body_' || random(),
          'https://example.com/action_' || floor(random() * 10)
    end loop;

We've updated our snippet to declare some mocks to select from, and we declare a variable mock to hold the currently selected mock. We select a random mock, by sorting the jsonb_array_elements in random order, and then taking the first one. Instead of composing the category and topic names like 'category_' || floor(random() * 5), we now pick it off the selected mock using mock->>'category'. And that's it. If we run that, we'll get a table structure like:

8844162user_42024-06-12 15:15:32.618132<null>invoice.1billingtitle_0.3608451505671937body_0.46718680220695674https://example.com/action_9
8844163user_22023-08-30 22:26:07.9687032023-09-02 16:01:51.310201invoice.1billingtitle_0.009334412911044865body_0.6736005343473828https://example.com/action_0
8844164user_52024-03-17 16:19:56.8618892024-03-19 07:18:33.630549ticket.2supporttitle_0.5610265932170151body_0.8488794347626261https://example.com/action_6

I've only created three mocks here, but you can fill in the gaps.

Generate random texts

Another thing that doesn't feel quite right, is the body. I need it to be a text value. Something long, and random. We can do so by using generate_series and md5 and string_agg. We can use the snippet below to generate a "paragraph" of 20 "words", where every "word" has a length of 10 characters.

select string_agg(substring(md5(random()::text), 1, 10), ' ')
from generate_series(1, 20))

If we add some randomness that, we'll get:

select string_agg(substring(md5(random()::text), 1, 1 + floor(random() * 9)::int), ' ')
from generate_series(1, 400 + floor(random() * 600)::int));

The text obviously doesn't make sense, as it's just a bunch of characters. But for the sake of testing database performance, it suits well. This snippet generates a sequence between 400 and 1000 "words" where each "word" contains of 1 to 10 characters. Note that the type casts are needed, because neither generate_series nor md5 accepts doubles.

Let's add it to our mock generator:

do $$
    created_at timestamp;
    deleted_at timestamp;
    mocks      jsonb := '[
                 {"topic": "ticket.1", "category": "support"},
                 {"topic": "ticket.2", "category": "support"},
                 {"topic": "invoice.1", "category": "billing"}
    mock       jsonb;
    body       text;
    for i in 1..100000 loop
      created_at := now() - (interval '3 days') - (random() * (interval '362 days'));
      deleted_at := case when (random() < 0.6) then created_at + (random() * (interval '3 days')) else null end;
      mock := (select * from jsonb_array_elements(mocks) order by random() limit 1);
      body := (select string_agg(substring(md5(random()::text), 1, 1 + floor(random() * 9)::int), ' ')
              from generate_series(1, 400 + floor(random() * 600)::int));

      insert into notifications (
        user_id, created_at, deleted_at, topic, category, title, body, action_url
          'user_' || floor(random() * 10),
          mock ->> 'topic',
          mock ->> 'category',
          'title_' || random(),
          'https://example.com/action_' || floor(random() * 10)
    end loop;

Now please do note, that will drastically slow down our generation. For 100k records, we'll drop from 400ms to 40 seconds. But, it's a small price to pay.

Generate random IDs

I'm not a fan of uuids, but this user_1 also kinda sucks, so let's create something that looks like an ulid. md5 generates strings of 32 characters, so let's use that to append a randomish hash to usr_.

select 'usr_' || substring(md5((random() * 10)::text), 1, 17)

I'm not going to update the big generator above for this little change, but I guess you'll figure out where it goes.

Our data now looks like this:

10356031usr_c6d1359de2fda56332024-01-25 03:49:00.583610<null>invoice.1billingtitle_0.5214049053380805Eb0 xMBr8 o3c6qMVCV Bp af 3HvZ uEIKuT…https://example.com/action_8
10356032usr_1ae2d46b8d10b8aa82024-06-13 14:12:09.3652802024-06-15 10:13:58.501827issue.1supporttitle_0.5277254587815783VE LLYBzY vU YVE4 VGNVaLquM JcStb…https://example.com/action_5
10356033usr_aa5297aebc9a9d8582023-07-26 11:20:30.0951732023-07-29 02:02:23.294071issue.1supporttitle_0.9042463964162941grm 26mI6lW5o q gqIy eNn tWndb16 CPNu…https://example.com/action_5

Next up? Some house-keeping.

PostgreSQL functions

Postgres allows us to define our own functions, which we can use to get rid of some repetitive code. I'm just going to dump the functions here, without explanations, but it should be pretty obvious what they do given the function names, and what we've already talked about.

Here's the first one, a function to generate mock ids having a prefix, like the user one:

create or replace function mock_id(prefix varchar, size int)
   returns varchar as $$
  return prefix || '_' || substring(md5(random()::text), 1, size);
$$ language plpgsql;

Another one for random texts, so that we can easily generate the body and reuse the same logic for a shorter title. It accepts a min and max argument, so that your string is always between min and max characters in length.

create or replace function mock_text(min int, max int)
  returns text as $$
  text text;
  text := '';
  max := min + floor(random() * (max - min));

  while length(text) < max loop
    text := text || ' ' || substring(md5(random()::text), 1, 1 + floor(random() * 9)::int);
  end loop;

  return left(text, max);
$$ language plpgsql;

Using these functions, our generator already looks much better.

do $$
    created_at timestamp;
    deleted_at timestamp;
    mocks      jsonb := '[
                 {"topic": "ticket.1", "category": "support"},
                 {"topic": "ticket.2", "category": "support"},
                 {"topic": "invoice.1", "category": "billing"}
    mock       jsonb;
    for i in 1..100000 loop
      created_at := now() - (interval '3 days') - (random() * (interval '362 days'));
      deleted_at := case when (random() < 0.6) then created_at + (random() * (interval '3 days')) else null end;
      mock := (select * from jsonb_array_elements(mocks) order by random() limit 1);

      insert into notifications (
        user_id, created_at, deleted_at, topic, category, title, body, action_url
          mock_id('usr', 17),
          mock ->> 'topic',
          mock ->> 'category',
          mock_text(10, 20),
          mock_text(400, 1000),
          'https://example.com/action_' || floor(random() * 10)
    end loop;
10358031usr_2fa77f9fe1abe79932023-08-07 05:10:40.3978702023-08-09 08:21:06.097324issue.1supportRA5cn QOGQKY6yfm5KV Fq9LdRR A3Bx2Z…https://example.com/action_2
10358032usr_52fcc7b027a144a512024-04-24 14:27:38.3100132024-04-26 15:04:31.123063issue.1support4QL3hIQ0E FZERkcgv 136Nu pndzI eDs4bm…https://example.com/action_1
10358033usr_f130113d5a50e855b2024-05-23 02:14:18.615083<null>invoice.1billingrOxtA1yg yq8OP Zf q wcJk2ubk aIGb6t1mi ovcwQ6y 5hX0Equ…https://example.com/action_5

Final words

That’s it! You now know how to quickly generate realistic mock data, to simulate real-world scenarios and improve your testing environment.

Generating realistic timestamps, selecting mock data from arrays, and creating random strings help make your mock data more authentic. While it may be resource-intensive, the benefits for testing and optimizing your database are worth it.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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